Monday, October 10, 2011

MODE : examinations!!! @_@''

hello guys... such a long break from posting entries here,I supposed.. well, this week is a week of 'enjoyment'... duuuuhh~~ if only u know what i mean.. anyway..speaking of exams,..i've written an essay just now entitled " health is wealth" which actually i presented it last semester for the oral presentation....thinking of that.. i think i should post my previous essay for authentic reading.. well, i'm not in that mood of typing any new entry,so i might as well post the one that i've written before..soooo..enjoy reading my article..

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

sharing, IS caring ..


"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple.  But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."  - George Bernard Shaw -

"Sharing is caring."

The more you give to others , the more you will get back from them either.
Good things done, good things will come.
Bad things done, bad things awaiting.
Wisdom is meant to be shared, not to be stored alone.


p/s : copyright  

Monday, July 4, 2011

Everything Happens For A Reason

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, they serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become.

♥ ♥ smile ♥ ♥

A smile costs nothing, but gives much.
It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give.
It takes a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Hujan =_= '' : mood sa mangantuk..

the day started with a nice weather ... HUH! rain..! which makes me sleepier(is there any such word as this?)~~

we were supposed to have a break for today.. a CUTI PERISTIWA..
but..huhu.. =_=''

sooooooo sleepy.. 

krukk...krukk.. ~~ off mode ~~

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dads' Blessings

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

♥ ..Love Story.. ♥

     When I saw him for the first time, something in me told me to give him a shot. We met virtually through a social website called “Plenty-of-Fish”. The moment I heard his lively voice from the video advertisement, I could not help but to fall in love with him.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Macdepp : 30 days , 720 hours of hardwork...


               what a tiring week... huuu.. the preparation.. and also my church's activities this weekend... oooo... really need to take a break during the holidays i supposed... well..BERSUSAH-SUSAH DAHULU.... BERSENANG-SENANG KEMUDIAN,am i right?

the picture below is the poster for the Macdepp's drama.. a really good job of the publicity team,costumes,actors and not forgotten the props and stage managing team...they really put lot of their effort upon doing this... heemmm..really can't wait for the real day itself.. :) 
edited by : Muhammad Haizat Saimin

love the effects done.. and it made them(actors and actresses) look really different.. seriously..this is GREAT and AWESOME.. thumbs up! i think that's all for now.. need to work on some more assignments.. haha... daaaa.... :)

p/s: really can't wait for the day of the dramatization itself.. TESL JUNE INTAKE 2010... we rock!!!!!!! ^^

Friday, April 29, 2011

suke suki ^_^

hari ne hari Sabtu,patutnya pi unfortunately ada pula klas ganti ne..,tia pa la..bkn gia singaja kan..huuu... T_T

hemmmm....utk entri ari pun teda idea ne mo tulis apa..
mo jua sa ckp ttg progress drama kami.. tp.. rasanya itu save utk entry akn dtg la..

Thursday, April 28, 2011



hemm..happy thursday every1.. hr ni cuma mo kabarkan news ttg drma macbeth kmi yg semakin mnghampiri tarikh dramatization dia,which is on 13th May 2011.. waooooo..tragedy 13 mei ni... heee...

Monday, April 25, 2011

astaga!!! huuu..

huuu... punya men lama tia update blog... hampir sebulan ne.. aduuuiii... tersangat-sangat-sangat-sangat-sangat-
lah sibuk ne.. huuu....

skrg ne ,kami sdg dlm proses membuat persediaan utk drama macbeth kami yg version lain siiiiikit dr shakespearean.. mau tau amacm? tggu & lihat sija la.. heee...akan dtg di pwgam...
hahaahhaha... inda ba...

coming soon!

to be continued... haha! Night! ^_^

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Touch the sky, look the sun straight in the eye and laugh...♥ :))

 dunia tidak seindah seperti yang disangka.. kadang2 tu,satu hari gembira butul ne,kan? kadang2 tu pla..hermmmm!!! =.='' mcm satu hari tu mau marah sija.. ada sija yg inda kana ne..

well,that is how life should be,isn't it?
so..bedtime story for today...haha.. inda ba..just want to share with u guys.. ^^

Sunday, March 13, 2011

let us pray for a better world..


tarikh keramat bagi masyarakat jepun pada 
ketika ini..

kita hanya mampu berdoa untuk mereka..
 pray for them..

God bless them and
all of us people
in this world..
the world is coming 
to its end..
and that's how i know
HE is coming..

Sunday, March 6, 2011


jarang sa mendingar lagu2 d malaysia ne..
sekali te'dingar..hem!! zatuh sinta kenen ne.. hee..
cua kmurang p dingar ne lgu.. siuk oo.. 
p/s: sorry~~ sab tia dpt upload mp3 dia.. ada prob sikit line sini ne.. T_T..

Saturday, February 19, 2011


adduuuuuhaaaaaiiiii... punya men lama sa inda update blog sa yg tia seberapa ini..huuu..T_T.. sobb..sobb..
besa la kan.. my days were too hectic..huhu..

ohya..sebelum abis minggu ne,sa ucap dulu la.. HAPPY BELATED VALENTINE'S DAY to all of u k!!

hmm..last week,my group and the other two groups of TESL PPISMP sem 2 had organised a Readers' Theatre competition on Friday,11st of Feb, which was also our beloved lecturer's,Miss Eva's birthday..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!!

uuiiyooo... siuknya ber'open' house d ruma kwn ari rbu lalu..
hmmm...mimang agak penat la yg mlm dia tu.. yg pnting mimang sa agak kenyang ne ari tu.. huuu... kna pksa mkn ne..huhuhu.. agak menyedihkan ya... smpai mo muntah uda sa ne.. haiz...=.=''..

Monday, January 31, 2011

that is why i love @nime...

haha! Happy MOANday everyone..! naaa..~~ just kidding..
with holidays and New year for the chinese around the corner,I don't think there will be any reason reason for me to feel sad or anything like that,right?

holi~holi~holidays.. that means,it's time for me to take a break from those hectic days at the campus.. huuu..
just's only january,and my life had been chaotic enough to get me into headache..=.="

       Now,let see?..what can i do to fill up my leisure time,eh?..hermmmm... oh yes!! anime marathon!!
bakul berbuah
haha..! I'm currently watching the anime Clannad & Fruitbasket(FB).. i really love to watch this type of genre of anime..romance+comedy+sad..they made me laugh n sad at the same time.. sometimes they teach me lessons..which i might not get from watching any real life movie with the same genre..hmm..well.. everyone has their own opinions,aren't they?.. ohya..there's one more anime .hmm...what is it called eh?..ohya!!!! it's HONEY & CLOVER..! how i really love that anime.. the songs,the stories..and it did motivate me somehow.. haha!.. kunun la.. there are some parts of the anime did give me inspiration..but,i kind a forgot which scene though..naa~~ forget about it.. overall,it's an awesome anime!!! love it.. C;

ok to go guys..need to 'speed up' for the marathon,'coz i'm getting slower.. haha..!

ohya..happy advanced chinese new year ! ^^

Thursday, January 20, 2011

just for fun! yeay!!

haha.. i found this.. click on the "secret-loves"..

sssshhuuuu...for those who know this..just keep it as our secret~~ k?.. 

have fun ! ^^

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fated or Destined?? - part 1

     When I was a kid,I've never thought that God will actually select a path or decides what will my future looks like. Really..I've never thought of it..

Monday, January 17, 2011

Never Like Goodbyes..T_T

I really have never like goodbyes before..


take care..Miss Eva.. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

new page of life and days...^_^

 happy new year!

nothing to write much.. huhu..i've left this blog with no new entry for quite a long time ..
mm..2nd day of learning in campus..nothing new yet.. mmm..maybe it's because of i'm still on holiday mood..~~. huuu...T_T 
new year's resolutions?
~gain weight..
~keep my hair long...hehe..
~mm..try to avoid procastination...huuuu...especially sem 2.. huhuhuhu... ;'(

I think that's all for now..
cos i need to go for choir practice in my church now..

have a nice sleep tonight guys..!