hello guys... such a long break from posting entries here,I supposed.. well, this week is a week of 'enjoyment'... duuuuhh~~ if only u know what i mean.. anyway..speaking of exams,..i've written an essay just now entitled " health is wealth" which actually i presented it last semester for the oral presentation....thinking of that.. i think i should post my previous essay for authentic reading.. well, i'm not in that mood of typing any new entry,so i might as well post the one that i've written before..soooo..enjoy reading my article..
^___^ happy TUESDAY!
Health is Wealth
A very good morning I bid to all members of the floor who present in this lovely day. “Health is wealth”. Ladies and gentlemen, today I would like to talk with you all on this topic here and would like to share my opinion regarding this matter. Does wealth really more important than health?
“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health”, quote from A.J. Reb Materi proves that mankind in this world has really put their efforts on amassing wealth by sacrificing their time and energy but the end, they are actually using all the money gained for their longevity on earth. People know that wealth is something they must work hard for. As people strived harder to amass wealth, there came a new concept about the real value of the word. They then became more and more greed and they will never feel satisfy with what are they having in current. They will continue amassing prosperities without even appreciating the true values of life and wealth might one day overcome them turning them into a demon.
Members of floor,
What is the point of being able to conquer the world in years of time but somehow lost his life just in a night time? Health is wealth. Such is a simple sentence but its sense and meaning is so tremendous and deep. Health is as valuable as money. That is because without it, you surely would not enjoy anything in life. Just imagine how can a person appreciate the beauty of life, the wanders of the world and also the miraculous of God’s creations and live up to acknowledge the joys that come to even the simplest encounters with our family and friends without having a peaceful mind and a good healthy body.
Fellow listeners,
We, human beings are like plants that need energy to perform our daily activities. If plants need Sun to perform photosynthesis to make food, so does human. Without health, people would not be able to work productively. Thus, there would be little chances and opportunities for earning and doing jobs. People need to work to be able to generate income. But how can a person if he is ill and is incapable to do physical activities? Thus, a person quality of work depends on how healthy is the person.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Health also means that a person has a healthy mind and a healthy soul. Without a healthy mind, there will a possibility that a person might encounter with emotional problem especially stress or depression. Think of it, can you be happy and be in poor health? For an instance, a rich man, will always feel worried about his properties and may even could not have his good night sleep as he been wondering if anyone might come to his house and steal away all his wealth from him. This gradually makes him to fall into deep feelings of depression and anxiety and eventually falls sick. In contrast, if a person who has no worries of losing anything of his properties but keeps on living a healthy lifestyle, he will definitely try his best to live his life to the fullest and enjoy the days while he can as quoted from Leon Eldred “If I'd known I was going to live so long, I'd have taken better care of myself.”
Fellow audience,
For me it’s simple, because I believe in a philosophy said by Elbert Hubbard, whom stated that “If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.” So, please, if your health is not in danger, do your best to stay healthy. No wealth in the world can buy you the sheer freedom and joy of a healthy body. I think that’s all from me.
Thank you.
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