Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ada Apa Dengan G.R.E.E.N.?

    Selamat berhari Rabu & salam sejahtera buat semua! SMILE.. kita misti selalu mulakan hari kita dengan senyuman..barula hidup ceria & happy2 selalu.. and korang tau ka? warna kuning melambangkan warna ceria..hehe..tu sa belajar time kelas Thinking Skills masa di maktab ari tu..hii...hemm.. cerita tentang warna ni,mm,pernahkah urang tanya kamurang "hey,why do u like this colour?"..trus apa yang kamu jawab?..

     Sa pun selalu kena tanya ni..apa warna yang ko suka..kenapa ko suka warna tu..kalau dulu time budak2 la yg paling sering kena tanya sebab kana suru tulis apa tu..yang mcm "diary2" tu..haa..dr sana la tu,budak2 suka butul cungkil2 tentang diri kita...

Monday, December 13, 2010

When Two Become One...

"So they are no longer two,but one,
therefore what God has joined together,
let man not separate." (Matthew 19:6)
     Semua orang ada impian untuk membina mahligai dorang sendiri kan?..Kata orang kalau dah jodoh,tak kan ke mana kalau tak ke pelamin..hehe.. pandai2 ni buat falsafah sendiri..hii..

Mmm..untuk entri kali ni,sa cuma nak kongsi dengan kwn2 semua tentang hari perkahwinan abang sepupu sa,Jackry Kitingon dgn tunang dia, Laura Michael yang telah berlangsung pada 12.12.2010, bersamaan dengan hari Ahad yang lalu di Papar..

Hanya Satu Yang Pasti...

AKU PASTI,AKU PASTI,AKU PASTI....aku pasti...aku pasti.."

Tiada Hanya satu yang pasti dalam dunia ini,iaitu..KEMATIAN..

MATI??..berbicara tentang perkara ini,pasti ada yang tidak akan senang duduk,tidak selesa malah ada yang marah..mungkin topik ni juga agak sensitif bagi sesetengah orang..kan?
   Tidak kira apa pun agama dalam dunia ni,memang akan ada mengaitkan kehidupan manusia dengan hal KEMATIAN...Meskipun setiap agama mempunyai pendirian atau pendapat yang berlainan mengenai hal ini,contohnya seperti agama Buddha,dorang ni ada konsep mengenai Kelahiran Kembali ataupun "Rebirth",namun begitu,kita,iaitu manusia sendiri tidak akan dapat lari daripada kenyataan ini..
    Dulu,time budak2 tu,sa mimang takut butul la kalau cerita tentang mati2 masih ingat lagi,kalau time kicik2 dulu,asal ja sa sambut birthday sa,misti ada saja berita tentang ada orang mati..yang paling sa ingat time tahun 4,tengah happy2 ni sambut birthday,tiba2 datang panggilan dari uncle kami,yang mengatakan 3 orang anak dia mati lemas dalam sungai petang tu..huuhuu..

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy sweet 15th Birthday little sis!

kad yg kami buat utk adie
"happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to you.."

mmm..bila baca ja tu tajuk entri hari ne,misti kamurang bulih teka suda apa yg sa mo kongsi hari ne kan..?

07 Disember 1995

lahirlah adik kamiurang yg paling last.. nama dia
Elysta Rozzannie Musah

walaupun kadang-kadang tu dia ne ada nakal sikit,tp kami masi jua ba syg sma dia..yala,mimang la ada jua marah2,tegur2 sikit,kata urang,marah tandanya sayang,pukul tandanya cinta kan?..hehehe..jan ambil hati aa die..kami suma ne mimang syg butul sma ko ne..hii..makin meningkat usia,misti makin dingar cakap oo...=)

Monday, December 6, 2010



     bila korang tingu tuuuunaa yg sana atas,misti kamurang teringat tu lagu "Diari seorang Lelaki" yg pernah dipopularkan oleh salah sebuah band di Malaysia ne, Pretty Ugly, kan..? hmm.. sebenarnya,bkn apa tu.. saja ja kasi intro2 guna tu ayat.. teringat pula sa dgn diari2 sia duluu-duuuuluu time sekolah menengah [form 1,3 gitu..:')] hehe..klu dulu2,mimang la rajin butul tu tangan mo tulis2 diari ne,besa la..urg remaja ne kan,semakin meningkat usia, makin byk rahsia dorang mo simpan..darah muda la katakan..gara-gara tia mo kongsi sma urg len..naaa..sendiri2 dii simpan tu "koleksi" rahsia dlm sebuah buku kecil molek,bernama "DIARI"...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010



bila time org tu dkt dgn kita..rasa mcm mo begaduh sija ni..
bila dah berjauhan..rindu pula mo begaduh kan..


bila org tu depan mata..rasa mcm meluat pula tinguk muka dia hari2..
bila dah lama inda nmpk..rasa mcm mo tinguk pula muka dia tiap saat..

bakal2 guru masa depan..hehe..rock2 suma..

Sunday, November 14, 2010

it's all about u

It's all about you 
(It's about you) 
It's all about you baby 
(It's all about) 
It's all about you 
(It's about you) 
It's all about you

Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew 
So I told you with a smile 
It's all about you..

Friday, October 15, 2010

love marriage VS arranged marriage

How tall is big? How wide is huge? And, of course, how deep is Love? 
" for the way u look at me.. for the only one i see.. very very extra ordinary.. even more than anyone that u adore.." - L.O.V.E by Nat King Cole

         What do u think? arranged marriage or love marriage ? which of them last longer?..

Thursday, October 14, 2010

love me..

this is the song love me by Yiruma.. it is a very nice song to hear..especially when u are alone...
the melody and the song itself really make me feel that one really meant when he or she uttered those magic words..

To fall in love,is a normal feeling that God has created for human being to experience..
it is a gift actually..
LOVE is universal..
LOVE your family..
LOVE yourself..
LOVE others..
LOVE your spouse..
and most of all..
                                                                            LOVE God..
  Love changes all things - but especially the way we see ourselves..
 when we really started to love someone..with all our hearts,you will see it..the changes in you..
anyway...i'm not really good when talking about L.O.V.E..
but,do enjoy listening to the song ok?.. 
Love can arouse every human sense..

the life of an ordinary student..^_^

hmmm.. it has been so long since i wrote my last entry right?
hmm...not much to write about last week's events..but,the sure thing is ..i "AM" really tired last week...
betul..!!!! TERRRRRRsangatla pnat.. bygkn la... dlm smggu tu..3 kali kmi kluar p bili barang2 ne.. huuu... itupn nasib ada kwn2 yg prihatin n ada krta,tia jua la panat2 tggu bas atau ikut "lubang tikus" a.k.a RAT'S HOLE... hahahaha!!!

mm..mggu lalu tia jua byk sgt jadi la except for the beli2 barang thing.. cuma byk KETAWA


When all about you is black with gloom,
And all you feel is pending doom.
When your bones are racked with grim despair -
When every breath is a gasp for air.
Keep on going, though you need to grope,
For around the bend is a ray of hope.

A ray of hope is perhaps all that's left,
As your will to live has been bereft.
You've lost it all, it's just no use!
You can end it all, you need no excuse.
But throw away that piece of rope,
And give yourself a chance of hope.

Just give yourself another day,
Brushing aside what your thoughts may say.
This is your life and you can make a new start,
By ignoring the brain - just follow the heart.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

21 september 2010...

"we have joy we have fun we have seasons in the sun.."

huuuu... hari yang sangat memenatkan buat blogger yang baru seperti aku ini..
i can't hardly believe that a three weeks assignments can be done within four and a half hour.. 
and only God knows what was my feeling on that moment...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mystery Mikael

 Chapter1:Who’s that person in that house??

Mikael was born into this world on a cold winter night. It was then dark, stormy and cold outside. His mother went through an excruciating pain, and barely able to made through that night. But then the cries of the new born baby, mingled with the shouts of joy of the family members, bring new life and happiness into that family of four.

Kiss the Rain

Now is raining here in KK town.. i am here,doing my assignments.. and at the same time wandering what entry i should post.. and i finally got this one.. please enjoy this though you are busy...

So why am I still here in the rain?...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Simple Gesture

     One fine day, Mark was walking home from school  when he noticed the boy ahead of him had tripped and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove and a small tape recorder.”I wonder what was the boy trying to do with all his stuffs in this late evening? Oh, well..” Mark knelt down and helped the boy picked up the scattered articles. Since they were going the same way, he helped to carry part of the burden. As they walked Mark discovered the boy’s name was Bill, that he loved video games,


Sometimes... human seems to forget,how life is really precious to them.. some of them even thought that life is meaningless..and they even said "what is the point living in this world?!" -born,suffered,with burdens on their shoulders,meeting trials yet not triumphs..

Manusia biasa...

"aku cuma manusia biasa.. yang tak sempurna.. dan kadang salah..
namun di hatiku hanya satu.. cinta untukmu..luar biasa.."
dalam liku-liku kehidupan kita sebagai perantau di dunia yang sementara dan fana ini,tidak sedikit daripada kita yang masih mencari dan mencari cinta sejati..mari kita menyelidiki hati si gadis ini melalui cerita beliau..

The story of a lifetime

I'm going to start over again. I'm going to make this story short.

I don't remember the time when we first met, but I do know it was only a short time when he was with me. The sorrow we been through together and the time we shared together--they all seemed so short. When I think about it, it's already gone. My name is Susan and I woke up today as usual. I look to the side of my bed today and hoped he was there, but...

new comer...

sia orang baru dlm blogger.. mmg kurang mahir.. sila beri tunjuk ajar aa semua.. terima kasih.. semoga Tuhan membalas jasa baik kalian..
slmt menyambut hari raya Aidilfitri & sekaligus menyambut hari Malaysia yang ke-47 hari ini..
Ramai2 kita memeriahkan padang merdeka mlm ni d Sabah, dan ini merupakan sejarah warga Malaysia buat kali pertama....!
Jom semua!