Friday, September 17, 2010

Mystery Mikael

 Chapter1:Who’s that person in that house??

Mikael was born into this world on a cold winter night. It was then dark, stormy and cold outside. His mother went through an excruciating pain, and barely able to made through that night. But then the cries of the new born baby, mingled with the shouts of joy of the family members, bring new life and happiness into that family of four.

    Obviously, being the one and only child in a family, he got all the attention from his parents and grandparents as well. Even sometimes, he himself cannot stand all the attentions that he got. He was even forbid to involve himself with outside world as he actually received his education in his own house. He don’t even get the chance to communicate with outside world and he even not allowed to meet the guests when their come to their house. He found himself stuck in his own perfect world. 

    “MOM, why aren’t there any mirrors in this house?” Mikael curiously asked. He started to wonder the strange behaviours of his family, who are over-protecting him. He kept on asking and asking, but in the end, it was hopeless, as his parents have no answers for all his curiousity.

     ONE DAY, while his family was away, he took that chance to discover the outside world. He put all of his courage into that one foot step outside. Suddenly......

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