Friday, October 15, 2010

love marriage VS arranged marriage

How tall is big? How wide is huge? And, of course, how deep is Love? 
" for the way u look at me.. for the only one i see.. very very extra ordinary.. even more than anyone that u adore.." - L.O.V.E by Nat King Cole

         What do u think? arranged marriage or love marriage ? which of them last longer?..
well, i guess everyone has their own thoughts and ideas about this somehow depends on how individual handles his or her relationship with own spouse..

         India has always had a long tradition of arranged marriages where the parents find the right match for their children. In the olden days,the marriages of Straits-born Chinese were also arranged by their parents with the help of a match-maker or go-between.

LOVE marriage
ARRANGED marriage
                   Arranged Marriages offer security for women since they have their family backup whereas love marriages provide freedom and more independence...My Social Studies  lecturer told us before that,in love marriage,the probability to get divorce is really high as the man and woman might feel bored after quite sometime and that is maybe because of no new things to be explored about the spouse as they had known each other before they even got married..whereas,for arranged marriage,the couple may seem akward towards each other at first,but as time flew,they will get used to live together and eventually the seed of LOVE grows..
my dad n my mum
but...This does not mean arranged marriages are the ideal sort of marriages. Having an arranged does not mean that the married couple remains happily ever after or that there is harmony in the i did mention earlier,a happy ending and ever-lasting relationships especially marriage is all depends on how you yourself work hard to maintain it from falling apart..well,a kid like me(haha), has no experience on marriage and also not really suitable to talk regarding this matter but i do have a role model in my life which really mesmerized me with their marriage,which are my parents..
and this year is their 29th anniversary,..and guess what,they are one of the LOVE MARRIAGE couples..

Love, trust, loyalty, patience, respect, understanding, appreciating are some of the keywords of a successful marriage, if all this is there in a marriage then be it an arranged marriage or a love marriage, it is bound to be a happy and a everlasting one... :)

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