haha! Happy MOANday everyone..! naaa..~~ just kidding..
with holidays and New year for the chinese around the corner,I don't think there will be any reason reason for me to feel sad or anything like that,right?
holi~holi~holidays.. that means,it's time for me to take a break from those hectic days at the campus.. huuu..
just imagine..it's only january,and my life had been chaotic enough to get me into headache..=.="
Now,let see?..what can i do to fill up my leisure time,eh?..hermmmm... oh yes!! anime marathon!!
bakul berbuah |
haha..! I'm currently watching the anime Clannad & Fruitbasket(FB).. i really love to watch this type of genre of anime..romance+comedy+sad..they made me laugh n sad at the same time.. sometimes they teach me lessons..which i might not get from watching any real life movie with the same genre..hmm..well.. everyone has their own opinions,aren't they?.. ohya..there's one more anime .hmm...what is it called eh?..ohya!!!! it's HONEY & CLOVER..! how i really love that anime.. the songs,the stories..and it did motivate me somehow.. haha!.. kunun la.. there are some parts of the anime did give me inspiration..but,i kind a forgot which scene though..naa~~ forget about it.. overall,it's an awesome anime!!! love it.. C;
ok la..got to go guys..need to 'speed up' for the marathon,'coz i'm getting slower.. haha..!
ohya..happy advanced chinese new year ! ^^